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Cookies Policy 


We are committed to respect the privacy of your personal data, including in the course of using our website. Within the present document we describe your rights related to the protection of your personal data, which we process via specialized web technologies for storage and access to data, saved on your terminal device.

This website -, utilizes cookies and other similar technology, in order to guarantee its proper functioning, as well as to contribute to user friendly experience while surfing the website.

What are Cookies?


Cookies comprise text files, which include particular information. When you visit our website, cookies are store on your device (PC, tablet, mobile phone) and some types of cookies are automatically deleted upon closing of the browser. Other types of cookies remain stored on your device and are sent back to our website upon each subsequent visit or to another website which recognizes and uses these cookies.

Cookies allow us to recognize you when you visit our website, which enables us to personalize your experience.

Cookies perform numerous tasks, such as allowing you to manage pages effectively, to save you password for next visits or to save your shopping cart in case of power failure. Cookies are also used to personalize the advertisements (Ads) you see while surfing.

Types of cookies

There are two main types of cookies depending on the period for which they remain stored on your device. On the basis of this criterion, we distinguish between the so called session and persistent cookies.

Session cookies remain stored on your device only while the browser you use is open and are automatically deleted upon its closing.

Persistent cookies remain stored, and are consequently accessed upon each of your next visits of the website, for a predetermined period of time, which may last for days, months or even years. Our persistent cookies remain stored on your terminal device for a period of 30 days.

Cookies are divided on first party and third party cookies, depending on whether we set cookies or they are set by another organization with our leave. Third party cookies usually do not contribute to the functioning of the website, but are designated to extract information on your browsing, preferences and so on.

Cookies are also regularly divided into different types based on their designation. This distinction matters to you as it influences whether we are obliged under law to obtain your consent to set and to subsequently access the information stored in the cookie.

When your consent is necessary to allow our use of cookies? How you may grant or withdraw your consent?

Here you will find information concerning your rights related to the use of cookies and how you can manage them in accordance with your preferences.

In accordance with applicable legislation in force, whenever we wish to and before we store cookies on your device via our website, you must first grant your consent therefor. In order to allow you to make a proper decision as to the setting of a particular cookie, we provide you with clear and exhaustive information concerning each cookie and its designation.

There are exceptions to the rule that your consent is needed. These exceptions concern the so called strictly necessary cookies. Information on these may be found below.

You may change your cookies settings at any time via our Cookies Settings page.

The use of cookies may be controlled through your browser settings, as well.

What types of Cookies we use?

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These are cookies that are needed for the normal operation of the website. Since these cookies are essential for its functioning, these cannot be deactivated through our Cookies Settings page.

The above cookies facilitate the very transmission of information in view of using the Internet or are stored in response to your actions while surfing by means of which you requested a particular service or functionality, such as the saving of privacy setting, saving information filled in forms, registration data and other similar scenarios.

Exactly for the use of these cookies do not need to obtain your prior consent. Still, if you would like not to allow storage of this type of cookies, you may set your browser to block them. This, however, will make it impossible for you to use some part of functionalities of our website.

Performance cookies

These are cookie that allow us to count the visits of our website and traffic sources, in order to analyse this information in the aim of enhancing the performance of our website functioning. By means of these cookies we may find out which pages are least popular and to gain insight on how visitors navigate through different pages.

We use the information gathered by these cookies to extract statistical information about the visits and the functioning of our website. To use these cookies we need your prior consent. If you do not allow their use we will not gain information on when you visited our website and we will not be able to track its performance. 

Advertising Cookies

These are cookies that are usually set within our website but by our partner advertisement companies, i.e. these are third party cookies. These cookies are used by the mentioned companies to draw a profile of your interests and preferences. Their purpose is to show you tailored advertisements when you visit other websites, i.e. the respective partner company will trach that you visited our website and at a later stage may recommend you our products or other similar products. 

If you do not allow their use you will receive advertising material which do not correspond to your searches and preferences.