Разпределител SD5/3-P(YG3-120)/48CRL/18L/18L/AET
Directional control valve model SD5 with three sections. 102311152
Разпределител SD5/4-P(KG3-120)/18L/18L/18L/18L/AET
Directional control valve model SD5 with four sections.
Разпределител SDM140/2-P(YG3-165)/18L/18L/PSA
Directional control valve model SDM140 with two sections.
Ремонтен к-т за SD16/4
Seal kit for directional control valve SD16 with four sections. PN:5GUA016300
Разпределител SD25/4/AD(XG-200)/4IM8IM/DFG/1IM8IM.P3(G4-220)/1IM8IM/1IM8
Directional directional control model SD25 with four sections.
Пилотно управление SV30/4-B/01G-001Ax2/01G-001Ax2/01G-001Ax2/01G-001Ax2 –S34B001A03G0
Hydraulic pilot control for SD25/4 valve
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