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Home Brands VARVEL MRN62 B3 H1 43.31 132 B5 AC 60 BTA+ el. motor 7.5 kW 4pol 3ph IEC 132 B5 AC Brake

MRN62 B3 H1 43.31 132 B5 AC 60 BTA+ el. motor 7.5 kW 4pol 3ph IEC 132 B5 AC Brake

  • Code:
  • Weight:
    171.300 Kgs
Gearmotor MRN62 B3 H1 43.31 132 B5 AC 60 BTA+ el. motor 7.5 kW 4pol 3ph IEC 132 B5 AC Brake

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Paralel shaft gearmotor with AC Brake MRN62 B3 H1 43.31 132 B5 AC 60 BTA+ el. motor 7.5 kW 4pol 3ph IEC 132 B5 AC Brake