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Home Brands Private Label - Filters Филтърни Материи BlueLine за Пречистване на Въздух, Мат. FL150 G2 1X40 10 MM

Филтърни Материи BlueLine за Пречистване на Въздух, Мат. FL150 G2 1X40 10 MM

  • Code:
  • Weight:
    2.875 Kgs
<p>Often, this product is also called as filtration unwoven fabric or filter fibre.</p>

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BlueLine filter mats are high-class products that allow devices to work in the most difficult conditions, with high air dustiness. Often, this product is also called as filtration unwoven fabric or filter fibre. We offer G2, G3, G4, F5 and F6 filters, thanks to which they are widely used in industry and air-technical systems.